May Meeting Update - Member Mini Mastermind, May 3rd
Updated: Jul 25, 2023
Hi, CCC!
We are excited about the next Community Consultants Collective session on Wednesday, May 3rd, at 12 PM Eastern.
If you haven't registered yet, click here.
After the April meeting, I asked you to send me what topic you'd like to talk about at the May meeting.
Just about everyone who sent me a response told me they need support around pricing and business development.
For our May meeting, we will have breakout rooms for small groups (3-4) to discuss how you operate your business (if you are a consultant) and have the chance to ask questions (if you are a new consultant).
We will make sure there is an experienced consultant in each group to share their experiences with you.
The breakout sessions will not be recorded for your privacy so that you can have an authentic conversation about finances, and we know that is a very sensitive topic.
For this reason, please make sure to RSVP and set aside time to be available and on camera for the session.
Re: Meeting times - It was proposed to change the meeting time to an earlier time or offer a later time.
Since we are a volunteer-led group and still getting our foundation set up, we are sorry, but we can't accommodate everyone at this time.
If you want to volunteer for the board or to help the CCC, please email me, as we are actively looking for support to help us get this off the ground.
See you in May!
Best, Deb Schell