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Balancing Business Development and Client Delivery: Insights from the Community Consultants Collective

The Community Consultants Collective met virtually on May 7, 2024, to tackle a common challenge among consultants: balancing the act of securing new business while fulfilling existing client commitments

This balancing act is pivotal, not just for sustaining growth but also for ensuring consistent service delivery without burning out. Attendees talked about several strategies and shared personal stories, providing ideas for navigating these competing demands.

Embracing Fractional Roles and Strategic Partnerships

One participant shared their success in securing retainer customers for fractional roles, highlighting the importance of stable, ongoing engagements in smoothing out revenue streams. This approach not only capped their capacity for the year but also allowed for predictable scheduling and financial forecasting. 

"Booking another fractional retainer client has really put me in a good position for the year—it tops me off and gives me that stability I need."

Furthermore, the CCC itself is exploring strategic partnerships and enhanced directory listings to generate referral business, showcasing the power of collective effort and community support in business development.

The Dual Challenge of Pipeline and Delivery

Once consultant on the call shared a heartfelt narrative about the perils of neglecting the business pipeline. 

"It's extremely important to have a backup. I learned the hard way that neglecting the pipeline can leave you in a bind when a big client pulls out unexpectedly."

The consultant recounted a scenario where focusing too heavily on client delivery left them vulnerable when contracts were unexpectedly canceled, necessitating a scramble to secure new business. 

This situation underscored the need to maintain an active pipeline as a safety net and a source of continued growth, even when current client work seems absorbing.

Leveraging Personal and Professional Networks

The value of networks in driving business was a recurring theme. 

"Just updating my LinkedIn profile with recent projects and clearer targeting resulted in a dozen DMs from potential clients within weeks."

Consultants shared experiences of how updating professional profiles led to new client inquiries, emphasizing the need for visibility and active engagement within professional networks. 

Whether through platforms like LinkedIn or community-specific channels, visibility can significantly impact business opportunities.

Diversifying Revenue Streams

Diversification was another strategy that resonated throughout the meeting.

"Diversification is key. Whether it’s a side gig or different revenue streams like digital products, it’s about finding what complements your consulting work and adds stability."

 Consultants discussed the merits of having multiple revenue streams, such as affiliate marketing, digital products, and even non-traditional roles like working on a food truck. 

Diverse income sources not only hedge against fluctuations in consulting work but also enrich the consultant’s skill set and market adaptability.

Educational Offerings as a Business Extension

Lastly, the potential of creating educational content was discussed as a method to both share expertise and attract clients. 

"Educational content, especially unique courses, not only positions us as thought leaders but also attracts clients who are looking for specific insights we can provide."

Online courses, despite the saturated market, were seen as valuable if they offered unique insights or targeted specific niches. The discussion also touched on micro-learning and the trend towards bite-sized educational offerings that cater to time-poor professionals.


The CCC meeting uncovered several strategies that consultants can employ to balance the demands of business development and client delivery. 

From embracing stable fractional roles to leveraging networks and diversifying income streams, these approaches provide a framework for sustainable growth and resilience in the consulting field. The collective wisdom and shared experiences underscore the value of community in overcoming the solitary challenges of consulting.


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